Wednesday 7 September 2011


Here at the Louise we are VERY excited to let you know about an event we are holding this year for the first time!

The Multicultural Mask Festival!

There is already a buzz of anticipation around the place with ideas just bouncing off the walls! You can expect all kinds of amazing performances, some like this....

... and some not! There will be some delicious food from around the globe, a mask making competition, and lots of prizes!

Some important stuff:

When: Wednesday 26 October
Where: City of Whitehorse Town Hall

There will be lots more important information coming soon - so stay posted. On that note... don't forget to add your email address in the space provided at the top of this page so that you can stay up-to-date!

During the coming school holidays the Louise is also running a school holiday program, which happens to include (hint, hint) a Mask Making Workshop!  Book in early for some of these great activities so that you don't miss out.

We have now properly activated the comment function below - so if you are reading this - say hello! You don't even need to say any more than that, that alone will make me very happy :-)

I've got all sorts of things I want to tell you over the next few weeks... I want to share a couple of lovely conversations that I overheard on the weekend that just made my day (eavesdropping on public transport and then posting it on the internet.. there's nothing wrong with that is there?) I want to give you a bit of a "behind the scenes" look at some of the performers secret rehearsals for the Multicultural Mask Festival and I've also recently read a couple of great books which I'd love to share .. so stay tuned!




  1. Spider man is lovely Cara, well done for finding him.

  2. Love the video! What a lovely school holiday program - wish we lived closer would have loved for my grandies to join in.
