MAKE POVERTY HISTORY is a coalition of more than 70 aid and development organisations, community and faith-based groups. In Australia, they work in partnership with Micah Challenge and the Global Call For Action Against Poverty (GCAP) to achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals and halve global poverty by 2015.
On October 15, 16 and 17 this year they are asking us to join them in asking Australian politicians to Keep The Promise to the world’s poor and the commitment to halve global poverty by 2015.
How Can I Join In?
They want to see your photos of a handshake; a photo of two people shaking hands, a group handshake, or a pyramid of piled shaking hands. It could even be your pet shaking a paw! Your handshake idea can be big and bold or simple yet effective—be as creative as you like! Once you’ve got your photo, send it to your local MP with a message that you want Australian politicians to Keep the Promise.
More information can be found here:
The Louise Multicultural Community Centre thinks this is a great initiative and encourages everyone to get involved! Be sure to send us a copy of your handshake photograph so that we can include them all in the blog. Send them to me at
Love your blog. Great work. Thanks for the information about "Make Poverty History"